Excitingly interesting game for fun,
where luck can accompany as a symbol of good mood!


You have to guess the suit of the card.

For each correctly guessed card you get 100 points,
and for each incorrectly guessed card you lose 100 points.

You need to guess the cards quickly,
as the game time is limited.

Guess as many cards as possible.


We invite
to cooperation

Computer graphics artists, digital effects.

Creators of animation, vector or raster graphics.

Creators of objects and visualizations for movies,
games, commercials and any other video content.

Programmers of scripts for programs
of two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics,
visualization and simulation.

Domain owners, referral program authors,
web-template designers, page writers
for our Exloid Partner Network!

We invite you with your work to participate
in generating revenue
from co-created crowdsourced projects.

You upload your digital work to our site
and it automatically starts participating
in other complex projects.

From this, you earn revenue.

We provide you income from sales that use
your object, script, illustration, or part of your work.

You can sponsor any member of our Exloid Partner Network
and receive income from their work.

We protect your copyrights.

We protect your work from illegal distribution.

Instant deposit and withdrawal at any time
and any amount without any restrictions,
no fees, no prior applications.

Visit our site

Upload your digital artwork

Earn big money

Create more games with us!